About us

Хямд үнэ

Манай компани нь үйлчлүүлэгчидээ үргэлж бусдаас хямд үнэ санал болгодог


Бидний үйлчилгээг секундээр хэмж


Тээвэрлэлтийн баталгаагаар таны сэтгэл ханамжийг бид тогтооно.

About us

ACW TRANS Co., Ltd has been operating its transport and logistics activities since 2000. We are growing fast in increasing and improving our business to cover all over the world in extending our customers goods.
Our business is focused on international freight forwarding services which are linked to export, import and other related services.

The company is managed by highly motivated, dedicated and qualified professionals who have skills and experience in freight forwarding industry. Therefore, those professionals try to provide the excellent services in the mode of transport: sea and air freight forwarders, land transportation and other services such as customs clearance, warehousing, door to door service etc
We have completed following projects:
Ukhaa-Khudag: water supply engineering system
Zavkhan: Hydro-electric power station
Focus metal mining: Iroon ore processing factory
Hera equipment: 45 Hyundai excavators


Our mission

We aim to provide our customers with superb value.
1. United and wide range of successful collaboration in our team and our business partners,
2. Constant innovation due to modern requirements, seek to enrich our knowledge and education, improve operation procedure,
3. Create pleasant environment for our team members and their family, maintain our position as the market leader in logistics industry, make great efforts & contribute visibly to the national prosperity, respect for the planet & corporate social responsibility.

Our team

Social responsibility



Become official agent of Cosco Shipping in Mongolia

Named "Top enterpriser"

Named "Exceptional enterpreneur in freight forwarding in Mongolia of the year"

Become member of Mongolian National Chamber

Expanding our partnerships with Russian freight forwarding companies

шилдэг 150 аж ахуйн нэгж 2013

Top 150 enterpreneur of Mongolian National Chamber

Top 150 enterpreneur of Mongolian National Chamber

become member of Federation of Mongolian Freight Forwarding

Нийгмийн Даатгалд даатгуулагчдын эрх ашигийг хамгаалах “Тэргүүн Оюу” нийгэмлэгээс “Нийгмийн Хариуцлагыг Хэрэгжүүлэгч”

“Монгол Оркестр”-ийн 49-р гудамж үйл ажиллагаанд ивээн тэтгэгчээр оролцож талархалын бичиг хүртэв

Монголын тээвэр зуучлагчдын нэгдсэн холбооны “Шилдэг нийгмийн хариуцлагатай байгууллага”